Dexus Global REIT Fund

A world of commercial property

Access defensive growth opportunities enjoying accelerating global trends

Focusing on sustainable growth, regular returns and lower-than-market volatility#, the Dexus Global REIT Fund (DXGRF) is an actively managed property securities fund investing in a diversified portfolio of Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) listed in North America, Europe and Asia Pacific.

DXGRF is designed for investors looking to access the relatively defensive and real asset qualities of commercial property through a portfolio of listed real estate securities. The fund offers global diversification, access to thousands of individual properties, along with further diversification via exposure to real estate types not available within the Australian market.

Growth focused

High quality commercial property tenants, aiming to deliver reliable, inflation-protected, growing income.


Geographic diversification plus access to commercial property sectors unavailable in Australia.

Monthly distributions delivered

Income paid monthly into your bank account. Current running yield of 4.14%**.


Expertly managed

Expert team of experienced, trusted real estate specialists actively managing your investments.

Webinar: Global REITs - As the cycle turns, opportunities abound (0.75 CPD points)

Join our webinar with Mark Mazzarella, Head of Real Estate Securities and David Kruth, Portfolio Manager as they look at the unique opportunities global REITs can offer in the current climate. 

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Dexus Global REIT Fund

Real Estate Securities

Download quarterly report Inception date: 1 April 2020
7.90%* Total return since inception
Monthly^ Distribution frequency
4.14%** Current running yield
$1,000 Minimum initial investment
0.98% p.a.*** of NAV Management fee and costs
$20.54m Fund size

Invest in GREIT

The Dexus Global REIT Fund (DXGRF) is an investment strategy for global listed property developed to target higher income with low relative risk while maintaining the real value of capital over the investment time horizon. The fund invests in the developed markets of North America, Europe and Asia.

Global REITs - As the cycle turns, opportunities abound 

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When offence is the best defence: Capitalising on the Global REIT Transition

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Preferred Securities Part 1 - The best global REIT opportunities are in North America

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Global REITs - The most attractive sub-sectors

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Get in touch with the Retail Distribution team 

*Mandatory field

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# The Dexus Global REIT Fund aims to provide lower than market volatility compared with the GPR 250 REIT Index (AU) (or equivalent Global REITs Index) over a 5–7 year time horizon. 

* As at 31 March 2024. Past performance is not an indicator of future performance. Returns after all fees and expenses. Assumes distributions are reinvested. Investors’ tax rates are not taken into account when calculating returns. Returns and values may rise and fall from one period to another. The Fund’s inception dates used to determine the return are set out above. 

^ Past performance is not an indicator of future performance. 
** As at 31 March 2024. Current running yield is calculated daily by dividing the annualised distribution rate by the latest entry unit price. Distributions may include a capital gains component. Distributions are not guaranteed and past performance is not an indication of future performance. 

***The amount of this fee can be negotiated for employees of the RE or its related bodies corporate and wholesale clients as defined under the Corporations Act and in other circumstances as permitted by law. Please refer to the product guide and PDS for details. 

This material has been prepared by Dexus Asset Management Limited (ACN 080 674 479, AFSL No. 237500) (“DXAM”), the responsible entity and issuer of the financial products of Dexus Global REIT Fund (ARSN 642 411 292) mentioned in this Material. DXAM is a wholly owned subsidiary of Dexus (ASX: DXS).  

Information in this Material is current as at 31 April 2024 (unless otherwise indicated), is for general information purposes only, (subject to applicable law) does not constitute financial product advice, has been prepared without taking account of the recipient’s objectives, financial situation and needs, and does not purport to contain all information necessary for making an investment decision. Accordingly, and before you receive any financial service from us (including deciding to acquire or to continue to hold a product in any fund mentioned in this Material), or act on this Material, investors should obtain and consider the relevant product disclosure statement (“PDS”), DXAM financial services guide (“FSG”) and relevant target market determination (“TMD”) in full, consider the appropriateness of this Material having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs and seek independent legal, tax and financial advice. The PDS, FSG and TMD (hard copy or electronic copy) are available from DXAM, Level 5, 80 Collins Street (South Tower), Melbourne VIC 3000, by visiting, by emailing or by phoning 1800 996 456. The PDS contains important information about risks, costs and fees (including fees payable to DXAM for managing the fund). Any investment is subject to investment risk, including possible delays in repayment and loss of income and principal invested, and there is no guarantee on the performance of the fund or the return of any capital. This Material does not constitute an offer, invitation, solicitation or recommendation to subscribe for, purchase or sell any financial product, and does not form the basis of any contract or commitment. This Material must not be reproduced or used by any person without DXAM’s prior written consent. This Material is not intended for distribution or use in any jurisdiction where it would be contrary to applicable laws, regulations or directives. 

Any forward looking statements, opinions and estimates (including statements of intent) in this Material are based on estimates and assumptions related to future business, economic, market, political, social and other conditions that are inherently subject to significant uncertainties, risks and contingencies, and the assumptions may change at any time without notice. Actual results may differ materially from those predicted or implied by any forward looking statements for a range of reasons. Past performance is not an indication of future performance. The forward looking statements only speak as at the date of this Material, and except as required by law, DXAM disclaims any duty to update them to reflect new developments. 

Except as required by law, no representation, assurance, guarantee or warranty, express or implied, is made as to the fairness, authenticity, validity, suitability, reliability, accuracy, completeness or correctness of any information, statement, estimate or opinion, or as to the reasonableness of any assumption, in this Material. By reading or viewing this Material and to the fullest extent permitted by law, the recipient releases Dexus, DXAM, their affiliates, and all of their directors, officers, employees, representatives and advisers from any and all direct, indirect and consequential losses, damages, costs, expenses and liabilities of any kind (“Losses”) arising in connection with any recipient or person acting on or relying on anything contained in or omitted from this Material or any other written or oral information, statement, estimate or opinion, whether or not the Losses arise in connection with any negligence or default of Dexus, DXAM or their affiliates, or otherwise.  

Dexus, DXAM and/or their affiliates may have an interest in the financial products, and may earn fees as a result of transactions, mentioned in this Material. 

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